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Welcome to
Glasgow NW Churches

We are four congregations in the Church of Scotland
serving the west end of Glasgow

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For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.

[Jeremiah 29.11]

The Glasgow NW Churches are currently working together in a Cluster Group.

We are working out our future as part of a radical planning process agreed by

the Church of Scotland and the Presbytery of Glasgow.

We are planning for a future where there will be fewer church buildings and ministry posts than we currently have.  But with the ministry allocation we are given we are building a Christ centred, inclusive and community focussed church for north west Glasgow, in which the "Five Marks of Mission" lie at the heart of all we do.


On 16th February 2023, Blawarthill and St Columba Gaelic Churches were linked.

They occupy one church building and share a minister.


The Cluster proposal from our Cluster (numbered 1D in the Presbytery Plan) was accepted by the Presbytery on 26th April 2023.  The Plan has been conditionally approved by the

General Assembly's Faith Nurture Forum.  The Cluster Plan is:


Union of Blawarthill, Broomhill Hyndland and Jordanhill by the end of the Presbytery Plan period – i.e. Session 2027/28.

On the occurrence of a vacancy at any of the three (most likely through retirement),

Linkage between the vacant congregation and another in the Cluster, as an intermediate step.

The option of further adjustment to expedite progress towards the aim of Union,

depending on developments and subject to annual review,

for the most effective deployment of our 2.5 FTE ministry allocation.

Retention of St Columba’s linked status within any wider adjustment for the foreseeable future.

Immediate and intentional collaboration between all four congregations.

Our Mission Plan (as at Oct 22)
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Our Congregations
Click on any church to be taken to our current congregational websites.
As we come closer together we will develop a more integrated web presence.


17 June 2022:

The Ministries allocation for our cluster has been set by the Presbytery at 3.5 FTE.

7 July 2022:

The cluster has agreed its Mission Plan for submitting to the Presbytery.

27 July 2022:

The cluster agreed on use of buildings and Ministries allocation to complete its Plan.

See additional Section 33.

17 Sept 2022:

The Presbytery Mission Plan Creation Group  has agreed our proposals on categorisation of buildings and supplementing our Ministry allocation from local reserves.

1 Oct 2022:

The Draft Presbytery Mission Plan is published. 

8 Oct 2022:

The Draft Presbytery Mission Plan is approved by Presbytery, including the ministries allocation and the buildings classifications for the Glasgow NW congregations.

Dec 2022:

The Draft Presbytery Mission Plan is sent back by the national committee who require further work to be done, especially on buildings classifications.  Requirements for our cluster are not clear, and we are seeking clarification.

21 Feb 2023:

Deadline for update of Cluster Plans, including justification for retaining buildings on mission grounds.

16 Mar 2023:

With mutual agreement, St. John's Renfield Church withdraws from the Cluster.  This leaves the Cluster with a 2.5 FTE ministry allocation.  The remaining congregations agree a radical plan which envisions a three-way union of Blawarthill / Broomhill Hyndland / Jordanhill by the end of the five year Plan period, with St Columba's remaining linked for the foreseeable future.

26 April 2023:

Our Cluster Plan is passed by the Presbytery of Glasgow and remitted to the Faith Nurture Forum of the General Assembly for approval.

20 June 2023:

Our Cluster Plan is approved with conditions by the Faith Nurture Forum of the General Assembly.  A 14 day period follows during which Requests for Review can be made and it is expected that some Kirk Sessions will want to do so.

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Presbytery of Glasgow website

Online Donations to any of our Congregations

Click the "Donate Now!" button - then choose "Donate to a congregation", then type the name of the congregation of your choice.

“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord,
and he will repay him for his deed.” 

[Proverbs 19:17]

Glasgow North West

Our parent charity is located at:

The Presbytery of Glasgow

260 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 4JP.

Tel: 0141 332 6606

Reg. Scottish Charity: SC007691

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